OMV Bonds

Louisiana. Maryland.

✔ Auto Title Companies
✔ Public Tag Agencies
Title Service Agents


Get the proper OMV bonds in Louisiana and Maryland to stay in compliance with state regulations.  International Sureties will quickly process your request to find the best rate and terms on the market for your particular need.

Click below to apply now or contact one of our License & Permit Specialists directly.

Louisiana ATC and PTA bonds

To become licensed as an auto title company or a public tag agency in Louisiana, you must contact the Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections Office of Motor Vehicles to submit an application. Part of the application process requires a surety bond to be in place before you can obtain your business license.

The Auto Title Company bond is conditioned by Louisiana Revised Statutes: Title 32, and the Public Tag Agency bond is conditioned by Louisiana Revised Statues: Title 47.  If the terms of the referenced conditions are violated by the company, a claim can be made against the bond by the state or general public.

Maryland Title Service Agent bonds

To become licensed as a Title Service Agent in Maryland, you must contact the Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration to submit your application. A bond is part of the application process and is required in order to obtain your Title Service Agent license.

This bond is conditioned by Maryland Code of Transportation, Title 15, Subtitle 6. If the referenced conditions are violated, there can be a claim made against your bond and if the claim is upheld, the surety will seek repayment from the business.

For assistance with OMV Bonds, please contact one of our License & Permit Bond specialists:

Stephen Beahm

Cappy Kehoe

David Joseph

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